What is HTML JavaScript, and Why Do I Need It?

With the help of code scripting, 没有人会对创建动态网页的可能性感到惊讶. It is mainly used for structuring and implementing applications with the help of HTML5 or CSS3 markup on the client side. In other words, HTML JavaScript添加了交互组件和方面来吸引访问者的注意力, 而HTML和CSS提供网页结构和设计.

HTML vs JavaScript vs CSS

These are the three most important tools for website design. 它们是我们在网络上看到的一切的基础. 没有这三种语言的网站是不完整的,不能正常运行.

  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language) comprises tags that define a document's structure and presentation, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and other semantic elements.
  • JavaScript is used to develop interactive features like animations or add interactivity to your sites, like form validation or search engine optimization.
  • Lastly, CSS is responsible for styling your website with colors and fonts to make it look attractive and professional-looking.

The main purpose of hypertext is to define how text and graphics appear on a webpage to make them readable by robots and humans alike. 反过来,JavaScript允许用户自定义他们的网页或控制他们的行为. 它被用来创建交互式的、用户友好的网站. Because of this, there is no talk of JavaScript vs. HTML vs. CSS 因为今天,他们不能没有彼此而存在.

仅供比较:HTML + CSS组合有助于格式化, design, and position the content on a webpage. And the HTML + JS mixture is a subset of Hypertext that focuses mainly on creating interactive interfaces, animations, and user interactions for mobile or web apps.

Without JS, 开发者直接用HTML代码设计页面,使用标签和属性来改变字体, color, etc., which was a headache. 当时唯一的希望就是Flash,它能让网页具有互动性.

How JavaScript Works

与大多数服务器端编程语言不同,JS更偏向于客户端. 它由用户浏览器的解释器在客户端处理. 客户端意味着它不是在服务器端(如PHP)执行,而是在浏览器端执行. 这是脚本的一个巨大优势,因为任何现代浏览器都有JS解释器, so you only need a browser to work with it.

由于JavaScript完全集成了超文本标记, 您可以将其代码包含在HTML文档(或 .php file if it is responsible for markup).

HTML JavaScript Capabilities

  • Change element styles and add and remove tags.
  • 执行对服务器的请求并下载数据,而无需重新加载页面(AJAX)
  • 响应事件(脚本等待某些事件发生), for example, the end of page loading, mouse click, etc.)
  • Display messages, set, and read cookies.
  • …and much more.

HTML JavaScript Features


  • 响应式布局-你的bootstrap为基础的网站从桌面到移动在一个快照.
  • 作品集-以一种美观的方式轻松展示您的作品.
  • jQuery -让您的网站以独特和视觉上令人惊叹的设计脱颖而出.
  • 延迟加载-不需要在您的网站上加载大量时间的效果.
  • Static - clean interface with minimal code to make web pages faster without worrying about wasting bandwidth.
  • Retina-ready -为高分辨率而构建,因此您的内容看起来清晰.
  • 视差-你的图像有深度的影响,不仅在前面,而且在后面.
  • 24/7 support -如果您有任何问题,我们将提供24小时免费服务.

Efficient Use Cases of HTML JavaScript

如前所述,在前端工作需要JS. More specifically, JS serves to control a browser window, change the document content when accessing the DOM, and handle various actions on a webpage. 你每天都能看到的典型JS例子是弹出消息, navbars, iFrames, weather forecasts, and other dynamic elements. Even though this language has many possibilities, 它主要是用来让用户体验更有趣.

You can use HTML JavaScript for many purposes, such as:

  • Creating interactive websites;
  • Displaying dynamic data in charts, graphs, or maps;
  • Adding animations to websites;
  • Creating games;
  • Building applications.

In other words, feel free to use JS on different platforms, including webpages, mobile apps, desktop web apps, and embedded applications.

Using Interactive Features on Websites

Users can engage with websites. The following are just a few uses for JS on a webpage; there are no restrictions on what you can do with it:

  • Changing the image scale (zoom in/out).
  • Audio and video playback.
  • 按下按钮打开或隐藏额外的数据/详细信息.
  • Showing animated graphics.
  • 当光标在元素上时改变元素的颜色.
  • Scrolling through a carousel of pictures.
  • Showing a countdown or timer.
  • Implementation of a dropdown, collapsed menu.

Developing Mobile and Web-Based Applications

HTML JavaScript helps create interactive interfaces, animations, and user interactions for mobile and web apps.

Mobile apps. 它是构建移动应用程序最流行的代码语言之一. Many companies, such as Netflix, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, have used it to develop their apps. JS is easier to learn than Java or Python, for example. It also makes it easier for developers to create complex web pages with rich user interfaces that run smoothly on any device, including smartphones and tablets.

Web apps. HTML JavaScript is also used in web development, 它如何帮助开发人员制作加载速度更快的基于web的软件, better interaction, and easier-to-use user interfaces. A few instances of web-based applications are:

  • 让你在网上预订住宿、门票和桌子的服务.
  • Online transaction methods.
  • 需要用户输入的站点,例如注册数据.
  • 用于多任务处理和处理大量数据的CRM程序.

How to Add JavaScript to HTML File

So here is how to use JavaScript in HTML5. To integrate the code into a document, 您需要用script标记将主代码包裹起来, as shown in this example:

script标签通常位于body元素的底部. You can also use JavaScript on any element within the body, such as an input field or a button. Additionally, you can insert .js files like in this example:


没有放之四海而皆准的框架,因为每个网站都有独特的需求. The choice of the HTML JavaScript framework depends on the size and complexity of your site and how much time you want to spend building it. Also, it depends on how long it will take, what kind of budget you have, what skills you have, etc.

What is jQuery and Where is It Used

jQuery is a library based on the HTML JavaScript programming language and is currently used on almost every website. This library has simplified many developers' lives who didn't want to delve into the deep wilds of JS.

JQuery是一个包含许多处理web文档的工具的框架. It allows you to solve typical tasks much faster, for example, form validation, slider creation, etc. 如果使用纯脚本,这个问题将更加难以解决.

The jQuery design has many features necessary to work with:

  • CSS style sheet rules;
  • event handling;
  • animation and various effects;
  • displaying objects in the DOM;
  • AJAX technology.

To connect jQuery libraries, you first need to upload the files or establish a remote connection via CDN (the files are loaded along with a page). You can connect the already uploaded code as follows:

Thus, jQuery is a high-quality JavaScript simplifier, 特别是对于那些不想长时间忍受它的人. jQuery是可访问和跨浏览器的,这在工作时非常重要.

What is React JS?

React是一个JS库,旨在简化web应用程序中的接口管理. React的一个独特特性是,您可以使用它来创建托管 UI components 这有助于轻松地将项目扩展到大型web应用程序.

React基于虚拟DOM的概念,它是真实DOM的镜像. React开始捕捉更改,并在发生更改时更新真正的DOM. 虚拟DOM概念加快了应用程序的处理速度并提高了性能. The virtual DOM nodes act as a container for the real DOM elements they represent and are rendered based on the current state of the application. 例如,在查看输入字段时,将反映对其值所做的任何更改. 此外,React的数据结构支持高效的更新和后续呈现. This makes it possible to update a component immediately after adding or removing an item from its structure without re-rendering. 因此,React比所有遗留的基于js的框架和库都要快.

How about AngularJS Framework?

The key benefit of Angular is its clear structure, 对于大型项目和具有复杂业务逻辑的web应用程序来说,哪一个是完美的. 它提供了比其他框架更多的默认工具和定制解决方案. You will also receive a set of guidelines, scripts, 以及您必须遵守的语法,以使连接和部件正常工作. The popularity of Angular is widespread among developers who have to manage more than one team. It is strict and structured inside, 优化团队合作,但不限制最不寻常功能的实现.

Vue JS: What is it?

Vue JS是一个用于构建用户界面的HTML JavaScript库. 因此,可以快速开发ui,无论它们是基本的还是复杂的. Vue.js has evolved significantly over the years, 随着新特性和第三方包定期发布到核心库. 事实上,它最近因其简单和灵活而受到欢迎. The framework has a small learning curve, 而且它很容易与React或Angular等前端库一起使用.

What is Ember JS?

Ember JS是一个帮助开发人员创建复杂web应用程序的库. 这也有助于他们管理应用程序的数据和交互. EmberJS has been used by companies like Lyft, Yahoo, and Netflix, 谁在他们的产品开发过程中看到了它的好处. Ember JS是一个开源项目,这意味着任何人都可以为它做出贡献或在其基础上进行构建. The project was born in 2011 and has become one of the most popular frameworks for building web apps on the market today.


The framework you choose should be "future-proof" so that you don't need to worry about any breaking changes happening in the future. Most frameworks have many features, so it cannot be easy to know which one is worth investing in. Here are some tips on how to select a JS framework:

  1. Know what you want from it: What are your goals? Do you want something for prototyping? Or do you need something for enterprise-level use?
  2. 了解框架提供了什么:它是否提供了模块化? 是否支持不同的编程语言或技术?
  3. 考虑其他开发者的想法:查看评论, blogs, 以及其他使用这个或那个框架的开发人员写的文章.
  4. 做一个明智的决定:不要随便买一个JS框架. 做一番研究,找到一个完全符合你需求的!

用HTML JavaScript构建一个有效的电子商务网站的基本步骤

This is a practical guide to help you start your ecommerce website project. It covers the essential steps that you should consider while building your site and will help you avoid common mistakes that can be costly.

Website Purpose

Your ecommerce website is always evolving, so it's essential to be able to adapt and change with the changing needs of your customer base. 你会发现有很多方法可以将你的网站用于不同的目的, 但人们决定建立一个电子商务网站有一个主要原因. 这是因为他们对自己销售的产品充满热情, 或者这是他们喜欢的一种有趣的爱好,并希望与尽可能多的人分享. And how about your purpose?


It is important to consider what budget you want to allocate toward your HTML JavaScript project. You should ensure not to forget about hosting, software, and other expenses that come with building a website. 许多人可以免费开发自己的网站,但这并不是对每个人都适用. These scripts range in price from $10 to $40, 所以收购不会影响开发商的财务状况.


It's essential to know how you will be competing against other similar marketplaces to establish a successful site that will appeal to your customers and bring them back time and time again. So that your business can be successful, 你要做的最关键的事情是研究竞争对手.

  • What are their websites like?
  • How often do they update the content?
  • What keywords/phrases are they using for searching?
  • What makes them stand out to customers?

Market Research Process

任何商业计划的第一步都是市场调查. This is the process of understanding your customers, their needs, how they use technology, and where your competitors fit into this mix.

Research your market:

  • What are their main concerns?
  • What are their buying habits?

Create your idea or concept:

  • What will you offer, and why do you want to provide it?
  • Who will be your target customers?
  • 他们希望在你的网站上看到什么样的产品/服务?

Site Ecosystem Tools

The tools you will use throughout your website design process will vary depending on the tools and technology stack your team develops long-term. However, some basic options include the following:

  • Photoshop or Adobe Creative Cloud;
  • Sketch App or InVision;
  • Wireframes;
  • And other software for graphic design, photo and video editing, web development, high-fidelity mockup creation, and wireframe tools for prototyping.

Site Design

你应该考虑你想为你的网站设计的类型. Some things to consider are:

  • The color scheme.
  • Features you want on your site.
  • A number of pages are you planning.

Selecting an HTML5 Template

There are two options that you can use:

  • 你可以选择一个免费的网站主题,并根据你的个人需求定制它.
  • Or you could purchase a premium HTML5 template, which is available for commercial and personal use.

How to Choose an HTML JavaScript Plugin

为你的网站选择合适的插件是至关重要的一步. It would help to find the right balance between what you want and what your website can support. To help you decide which is the best plugin, 我们已经编译了一个列表,你可以从Templateog体育首页下载.

  • Responsive Navbar from Zemez. 用于创建响应式菜单的多功能导航栏脚本. 该插件流畅地呈现导航栏,以适应屏幕的大小. 它还可以确保您的网站在移动设备上看起来很好.
  • Audio Converter. PHP脚本将音频文件转换为其他格式,如MP3, AAC, WAV, WMA, OGG等. 它配备了一个易于使用的界面,并支持所有音频类型.
  • Image Hover Effects. 该脚本将常规图像转换为动画图像效果. It has an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, supports a broad range of browsers, and adheres to web standards. It is quite simple to integrate it into any site. 该脚本在Angular、Vue、React等框架下运行,或者没有框架.
  • Custom Shirt Designer. 用于生成定制服装设计的jQuery插件. 该插件允许您定制衬衫,衬衫,夹克等., by selecting fabrics, fittings, and size parts.
  • Page Builder from Novi. 可视化内容编辑器帮助您导入HTML模板, build webpages visually, and edit the content on them easily without coding.

创建一个惊人的HTML5网站使用Novi Builder脚本:视频

This video overviews how incredibly easy it is to create an online presence using the Novi Builder script. It is a powerful web page editing tool that lets you build interactive HTML5 websites in minutes. 在这个视频指南中学习如何使用Novi Builder使您的web项目更具吸引力.

HTML JavaScript Q&A

HTML JavaScript框架和库之间的区别是什么?

A framework is a collection of libraries and tools that are designed to work together to create a web application. 为了充分利用框架的特性,开发人员必须使用它们的库. Meanwhile, 库是可以独立于其他软件使用的单独代码, such as a framework. In addition, frameworks are designed with certain goals in mind and often have many features that make them easier for developers. They provide structure and consistency for developers who want more control over how their app looks, functions, and behaves. On the other hand, libraries typically focus on one specific feature or functionality and offer it all at once without having the overhead of creating a whole new framework.

What is the difference between HTML JavaScript and CSS?

CSS是一种文档类型,它定义了HTML文档或网页的外观. A browser processes the content of CSS files before being rendered by the browser's rendering engine to create the webpage's layout and design. JS可以作为客户端脚本语言嵌入到HTML5、CSS3和其他语言中. Although JavaScript and CSS are similar, they are not the same. 它们之间的工作方式有不同的语法和规则. 例如,JS需要花括号,而CSS需要分号. JavaScript变量需要以大写字母开头, 而CSS变量需要以小写字母开头, and so on.

我可以用HTML JavaScript做些什么呢?

With the JS library, you are free to create an interactive web page, 添加动画,使网站在视觉上更具吸引力, or use cool particle effects like fireworks. 也欢迎您为桌面和移动设备创建游戏, use AJAX to create real-time content on a webpage, and create charts with D3.js. Moreover, the library allows you to automate tasks in the background, autoplay videos/music, etc.

How do I use HTML JavaScript to manipulate my web page?

HTML JavaScript is primarily used for two purposes. 第一种是通过添加按钮和其他小部件使网页具有交互性. 第二种是操纵页面的外观和行为, such as changing text or background colors.